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JSON Web Token (JWT) Debugger

Decode, verify, and generate JSON Web Tokens, which are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.Learn more about JWTSee JWT libraries

For your protection, all JWT debugging and validation happens in the browser. Be careful where you paste or share JWTs as they can represent credentials that grant access to resources. This site does not store or transmit your JSON Web Tokens outside of the browser.

Paste a JWT below that you'd like to decode, validate, and verify.
Encoded value

JSON Web Token (JWT)


Valid JWT

Signature Verified

Decoded Header

  : "HS256",
  : "JWT"

Decoded Payload

  : "1234567890",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "admin": true,

JWT Signature Verification(Optional)

Enter the secret used to sign the JWT below:



Valid secret

Encoding Format